Finding the right event management platform may become daunting if you’re an event organizer. You want a platform you can count on to ensure a smooth in-person and virtual event experience. While searching for the perfect platform might become stressful, this guide will ensure you have the necessary information for selecting the right hybrid event software.
Why choose a hybrid event platform?
After the recent pandemic, the focus has shifted towards virtual and hybrid events, becoming a mainstay. And the trend of in-person events being converted into hybrid events has also picked up steam. On that note, hybrid events and virtual events becoming accessible on mobile devices are a core requirement. However, selecting the platform that can not only execute the hybrid event but also has the technology and reliability to make the entire process streamlined will be a top priority for those looking for the right platform.
You need a platform that specializes in running actual hybrid events. Running a hybrid event yourself takes more time and effort than planning a hybrid event using an all-in-one platform.
Enhance the in-person experience
Hybrid and virtual events are not the same; hybrid events are more than just having an in-person and virtual component running simultaneously. The in-person portion of the event also takes way longer to plan out and finalize compared to the virtual component.
This is why, when searching for hybrid event software, choosing a platform that’s been around the block with in-person events will ensure that both the in-person and online components of your event run smoothly.
Select platform providers like Sarcon with a proven record of executing several hybrid events.
You want a platform that has on-site ticketing and registration systems built-in so that third-party apps don’t need to be accrued just for that. An all-in-one platform like Sarcon covers everything from registration to booth designs to on-site badge management while providing a clean, central location to run both sides of your event.
Centralized Control Center
Access to a comprehensive platform is as good as nothing if you do not have enough control over it. The most valuable insights can be lost due to having to shuffle between different event apps just to access data.
Be on the lookout for hybrid event software that manages both aspects of the hybrid event in a centralized hub. All information and data should flow between the event types. You don’t need a platform that treats it as two separate events and smashes them together. You want a platform that seamlessly infuses the two event types into one singular experience. Does the platform sync on-site exhibitor lead with leads captured through video content? Can you make changes across your event mobile app, live displays, and streams?
This is why it’s integral to have a solution that keeps you in check with everything in your event. Because when you don’t use an integrated platform, you lose valuable insights on attendance, sponsor/event ROI, and engagement.
Adaptable technology for in-person and virtual
When it comes to engagement, catering to only one type of audience will not work. Do not fall for the trap where a platform will provide the same tools for both audience types but put it under an umbrella that technically comes under “hybrid”.
Look out for a platform like Sarcon that has dedicated in-person and virtual tools, both parts of a greater suite of tools that are seamlessly integrated. Having a designated online portal for remote attendees and a mobile app for your on-ground participants allows you to play to the strengths of the hybrid event format.
You can unite both components under your control while still giving participants a customized experience, depending on how they engage in the event. For example, Sarcon’s hybrid event platform offers a dedicated virtual portal for online guests and a mobile app for your on-site event. Reject a cookie-cutter approach to make your attendee experience specific and accessible.
Comprehensive pricing options
How should platforms charge for a hybrid event with in-person and online audiences?
Instead of leaving the cost up to turnout and being caught off guard by a higher price after the event is over, you can keep your budget simply by using a platform whose pricing model incorporates individuals at home and on-site as part of the same hybrid audience.
Another alternative is a pay-as-you-go option that gives you the freedom to add and remove features as the need arises.
High-cost, upfront financial commitments are generally not the way to go; a hybrid platform that allows financial flexibility lets you understand what hybrid formats and features work best according to the requirements.
Constantly innovating platform
If the past year has taught the event industry anything, we need to be prepared to adapt to whatever’s thrown at us. It’s clear from the boom of virtual and app-based event tech that innovation is critical, but what worked for a completely virtual event may not work for an in-person event and vice versa. With hybrid events on many people’s radars, a platform constantly working to improve its hybrid management tech is a wise investment.
We’re all learning what features work best and are most popular with attendees while experimenting with hybrid event formats. The platforms that make regular updates and roll out new features with event technology that future-proofs themselves are the perfect choices. These are the platforms that you can feel confident in using.
Take a look at prospective platforms’ blogs, social media accounts, product demos, and launch events. What are the latest updates? Are they prioritizing hybrid event features, like video networking, synchronized analytics, and real-time chat for on-site and online audiences? Platforms keen on constantly innovating are the ones to look out for.
Finding the perfect match can foster a long-term relationship for all your hybrid events; prioritize an experienced company with a flexible, all-in-one platform that adapts to your requirements. Great hybrid management solutions culminate in a definitive solution covering everything you need to execute great events.