event marketing

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12 ways to do event marketing through events app

12 ways to do event marketing through events app

12 ways to do event marketing through events app

12 ways to do event marketing through events app

In the age of technology, event marketing has evolved significantly. Traditional methods such as flyers and billboards have taken a backseat as event organizers embrace digital solutions to engage and attract attendees. One powerful tool in the arsenal of modern event marketers is event apps. These versatile platforms can transform the way you promote and manage your events. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 20 effective ways to leverage event apps for your event marketing strategy.

1.Seamlessly Integrate Social Media:

Integrating social media into your event app allows attendees to share their experiences with ease. By creating a seamless connection, you enable users to post updates, photos, and comments directly from the app. This promotes user-generated content, increases your event’s online presence, and encourages engagement with a wider audience.

2 Pre-Event Hype : 

Building anticipation is crucial for event marketing. Utilize your event app to release teasers, countdowns, and sneak peeks of what attendees can expect. Encourage attendees to share these teasers on social media, creating buzz around your event.

3. Networking Opportunities:

Event apps often include networking features, such as attendee directories and chat functions. These tools facilitate connections among attendees, whether it’s for professional networking, finding like-minded individuals, or simply making new friends. Encouraging networking enhances the community aspect of your event. Implement artificial intelligence to suggest personalized networking connections. The app could analyze attendees’ profiles and recommend connections based on shared interests or goals. For example, at a business summit, AI could suggest potential partners or collaborators.

4. Streamline Registration and Ticketing:

One of the primary functions of event apps is to simplify the registration and ticketing process. These apps enable attendees to register for the event, purchase tickets, and receive digital tickets or QR codes. Event organizers can use this feature to promote early bird registration, offer discounts and encourage attendees to secure their spot, creating a sense of urgency.

5. Gamify Your Event:

Gamification adds a fun and competitive element to your event. Create challenges, quizzes, or scavenger hunts within the app to keep attendees engaged and motivated. Gamification not only encourages interaction but also rewards participants for their active involvement, making your event more exciting and memorable.

  • Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: Incorporate VR features into your event app, allowing attendees to virtually explore event venues or participate in immersive experiences. For example, a tech conference could offer a VR tour of the expo floor, enabling remote attendees to interact with booths and demos as if they were physically present.
  • AR Scavenger Hunts: Create augmented reality (AR) scavenger hunts within your event app. Attendees can use their smartphones to hunt for digital clues or hidden items at the event venue. This interactive feature adds an element of gamification and excitement to your event.
  • Live Q&A and Interactive Sessions: Enable real-time Q&A sessions during presentations. Attendees can submit questions via the app, and speakers can address them on the spot. This engagement feature enhances the learning experience. For example, a medical conference could have live Q&A sessions with renowned doctors. 

For more information read : How You Can Use Mobile Event Apps to Gamify Your Events 

6. User-Generated Content (UGC):

Encourage attendees to share their experiences through the app by enabling features for photo and content sharing. UGC serves as authentic testimonials and content that can be utilized in post-event marketing efforts, attracting potential attendees for future events.

7. Push Notifications:

Real-time communication is vital in event marketing. Event apps provide the capability to send push notifications to attendees. You can use these notifications for last-minute changes, reminders, or even promotional offers to keep attendees informed and engaged.

8. Sponsor Exposure:

Give your sponsors the visibility they deserve through the event app. Highlight their contributions, showcase their products or services, and consider offering sponsor-only content. This not only adds value to sponsors but also helps offset event costs. For example offer sponsorship opportunities within the app, such as banner placements, sponsored sessions, or a dedicated sponsors section. 

9. In-App Ads and Merchandise Sales:

Monetize your event app by offering advertising space to relevant partners and sponsors. This additional revenue stream can help you cover event costs and possibly generate a profit while offering targeted exposure to advertisers. Enable attendees to purchase event merchandise directly through the app. This convenience not only supports event branding but also serves as a memorable keepsake for attendees. It’s a simple way to generate additional revenue.

10. Content Libraries:

Create a digital repository of event-related content within the app. Attendees can access resources, presentations, and materials even after the event has ended. This resource library offers added value and extends the lifespan of your event content.

11.  Interactive Maps: 

Include interactive maps of the event venue in your app. This feature not only helps attendees navigate the venue but also allows you to promote sponsors and exhibitors by highlighting their locations on the map. It’s a subtle but effective way to boost event marketing.

12.Post-Event Engagement :

Event marketing doesn’t end when the event does. Use your app to maintain engagement with attendees post-event. Share event highlights, photos, videos, and exclusive content to keep the momentum going and prepare them for the next event.

In conclusion, event apps have become indispensable tools for modern event marketing. By implementing these 20 strategies and best practices, you can enhance attendee engagement, streamline event logistics, and ultimately achieve a more successful and impactful event. Embrace the power of event apps, and watch your events flourish in the digital age.


Q: What benefits does gamification bring to event marketing?
Gamification increases engagement, encourages participation, and provides attendees with a fun and memorable experience.

Q: How can I effectively promote my events app to potential attendees?
Utilize social media, email marketing, and partnerships with influencers to create a buzz and drive app downloads.

Q: What types of events benefit the most from VR integration?
Events that aim to provide unique and immersive experiences, such as product launches and exhibitions, benefit greatly from VR integration.

Q: Can I use the app for virtual events as well?
Absolutely, events apps are versatile and can be used for in-person, virtual, or hybrid events.